Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

– Psalm 139:14


These days, it is quite easy to get down on yourself; to have low self-esteem and think that you aren’t worth much.

There is a reason for this.

The enemy wants to attack our identity and self-worth. He knows that if he can get us thinking about ourselves and wallowing in self-pity or even self-hatred, he can distract us from the plan God has for our lives. In fact, when we become completely wrapped up in our shortcomings, and ourselves we lose sight of God’s purpose and the bigger picture of eternity.

This is ultimately a strategy of the enemy to derail our generation.

We must not let this happen!

It is crucial for us to know our identity in Christ and to stand unwaveringly in the truth of who we are as His children. Knowing who God says we are is incredibly important in protecting our minds and hearts from not only the lies of the enemy, but of the lies of the world around us.

Society wants us to think we have to look a certain way or act a certain way to be acceptable. However, when we know that we are a son or daughter of the Almighty God, we are able to step out in boldness and defy the set of rules and standards society has. Suddenly we can say no to things the world says we should say yes to, or visa-versa, and we aren’t shaken or insecure about our decisions.

We realize God is on our side and He loves us deeply.

Just like Psalm 139 states, we were each created with intention. We were made for a reason and the God of the Universe loved us enough to create us out of dust. Grasping that is just the beginning to knowing our worth and value.


“Many, O LORD my God,

are the wonders which You have done,

And Your thoughts toward us;

There is none to compare with You.

If I would declare and speak of them,

They would be too numerous to count.”

– Psalm 40:5


Another powerful concept which we may not think about often is the thoughts God has towards us.

We learn in Psalm 40 that God’s thoughts towards us are too numerous to count. Who are we that God is mindful of us? We are the bride of Christ. We are the church. We are unconditionally loved by Him.

Today, be encouraged to seek our identity in God on a deeper level. Ask Him to lead you to a place of deep security in Him.

But don’t stop there.

Begin to speak life and identity into those around you. Treat your friends and family with respect and love, out of a place of knowing they are loved deeply by the Lord.

And again, don’t stop there.

Make a point to pour identity and purpose into the next generation. Speak encouragement into the children around you. Make sure they know they were born to live a life filled with purpose and meaning, no matter what their profession or “worldly success” looks like. Make sure you are building on what God is trying to do in their life as He fights for their identity in Him.

Tell them they are fearfully and wonderfully made by the King of Kings.