Child Sponsorship

Sponsor a child today!

For only $35 a month, you have the power to change a child’s life forever. The relationship that forms between a sponsor and a child they support is an incredibly powerful thing. It can give a child the care and encouragement they need to become stable in their life. Many of these children have never known what it is like to be cared for, and through the letters, special gifts, and financial support that sponsors offer, these children can finally feel loved and supported, even if it’s from halfway around the world. God called us to help those in need, including orphans, widows, and the poor, and that is exactly what Expect Hope Worldwide strives to do. When we pair a sponsor with a child in need, it equips these children to have a much brighter future. In giving them what they need physically, as well as the mental and emotional support for them to grow into thriving adults, Expect Hope Worldwide has created a model that will propel them forward and cultivate a culture of hope in their hearts. Sponsoring these children may be the most sustainable solution to end the long-term orphan crisis in these poverty-stricken countries. When you contribute financially, you are committing to giving them access to: -Food -Healthcare -Clothing -Housing -Medicine -Education -Empowerment

Why Sponsor?

There are many reasons to sponsor a child. As a sponsor, you get the incredible experience of sharing in the child’s journey towards becoming a self-sufficient adult, aiding in their education and overall wellbeing. You are able to provide inspiration along the way, and in return, feel yourself get inspired. Without your support, each child on our list will not be able to break free from the poverty that enslaves them. For just about a $1 a day, you enable them to lead a more fulfilling life and have a much brighter future. The effects of financially supporting a child may extend beyond just them. Providing $35 a month may allow these children to support their own family, by providing additional food, clothing, and shelter with the money they receive. You can make a huge difference in not just one, but many lives with your care and support. You really can make a difference in the world, one child at a time! Sponsor A Child Today!